About Us

Georgia-SMACNA, Inc., a chapter of SMACNA (Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association), is a statewide trade association representing the industry’s most innovative and forward-thinking sheet metal contractors. The association is committed to promoting quality and excellence in the sheet metal and air conditioning industry. We are contractors who specialize in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, Architectural & Industrial sheet metal, Manufacturing, Testing & Balancing, and Energy management. Focused on continual improvement of the industry, we offer professional assistance in research & technical standards development, safety, labor relations, legislative assistance, business management & project management.

Benefits & Services

Educational Seminars & Training

Georgia-SMACNA offers educational seminars and training throughout the year for supervisors, foremen, project managers, and owners. In addition to chapter sponsored educational seminars and training, members have access to the educational opportunities provided by SMACNA. SMACNA offers a variety of educational opportunities including, but not limited to, regional seminars and the annual convention. SMACNA also provides Business Management University & Graduate Programs designed for future managers and owners.

Labor Relations

Georgia-SMACNA provides labor relations and collective bargaining services with the SMART Local Union No. 85. During the collective bargaining process, Georgia-SMACNA and its members search for opportunities to ensure a top-quality workforce through pre-employment qualifications, continuing education opportunities, and safety regulations that support a healthy working environment. Georgia-SMACNA provides representation and advice to its employers regarding grievance and arbitration matters.

Technical Standards

Georgia-SMACNA hosts technical seminars on various SMACNA technical standards for its members and the design community. In addition, members of Georgia-SMACNA and SMACNA have direct access to SMACNA’s technical department, which provides professional assistance with interpretations/applications of SMACNA technical standards, updates on standards, updates on building codes, and technical activities that impact SMACNA members and the industry.

SMACNA technical standards are accepted, adopted, and specified by the design community. Architects and engineers issue specifications for sheet metal products and systems that require conformance with the SMACNA technical standards. As a member, the contractor receives a free copy of the industry standards. Additional copies are available at a reduced cost over the non-SMACNA member.

Legislative Advocacy

Georgia-SMACNA is actively involved with SMACNA’s Capitol Hill office to address legislative issues that affect the contractors. SMACNA’s Capitol Hill office is located at 305 4th Street, NE Washington, DC. It is staffed with two full-time lobbyists that work with Congressional committees drafting legislation and helping prepare SMACNA members to testify at Congressional hearings when needed. Locally, Georgia-SMACNA meets regularly with Georgia’s Senators and Congressmen keeping them up-to-date on issues of concern for the members.

Board of Directors

In accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws, Georgia-SMACNA is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of five (5) Directors.

Matt Terek, President

McKenney’s, Inc.

Jack Knox, Vice President

R.F. Knox Company

Justin Gary, Secretary/Treasurer

Maxair Mechanical

Joel Shannon, Director

Research Air Flo

Mike Partain, Director

Action Electric & Mechanical

Standing Committees

Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee

Matt Terek, Chairman
McKenney’s, Inc.

Mike Partain
Action Electrical & Mechanical Contractors

Jack Knox
R.F. Knox Company

Health and Welfare

Jack Knox, Secretary
R.F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia SMACNA

Jon Sterling
MaxAir, Inc.

Matt Stroer
McKenney’s, Inc.

Pension Fund

Jack Knox, Chairman
R.F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia SMACNA

Jon Sterling
MaxAir, Inc.

Matt Stroer
McKenney’s, Inc.

Industry Fund

Jack Knox
R.F. Knox Company

Matt Terek
McKenneys, Inc.

Mike Partain
Action Electrical & Mechanical Contractors

Joint Conference Committee

Matt Terek, Chairman
McKenney’s, Inc.

Justin Gary
Maxair Mechanical

Joel Shannon
Research Air Flo

Jack Knox
R. F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia-SMACNA, Inc.


Jack Knox, Secretary
R.F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia-SMACNA, Inc.

Jon Sterling
MaxAir, Inc.

Matt Stroer
McKenney’s, Inc.

Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee

Matt Terek, Chairman
McKenney’s, Inc.

Mike Partain
Action Electrical & Mechanical Contractors

Jack Knox
R.F. Knox Company

Health and Welfare

Jack Knox, Secretary
R.F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia SMACNA

Jon Sterling
MaxAir, Inc.

Matt Stroer
McKenney’s, Inc.

Pension Fund

Jack Knox, Chairman
R.F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia SMACNA

Jon Sterling
MaxAir, Inc.

Matt Stroer
McKenney’s, Inc.

Industry Fund

Jack Knox
R.F. Knox Company

Keith Harris
BHW Sheet Metal Co.

Mike Partain
Action Electrical & Mechanical Contractors

Joint Conference Committee

Matt Terek, Chairman
McKenney’s, Inc.

Justin Gary
Maxair Mechanical

Joel Shannon
Research Air Flo

Jack Knox
R. F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia-SMACNA, Inc.


Jack Knox, Secretary
R.F. Knox Company

Ginger Slaick
Georgia-SMACNA, Inc.

Jon Sterling
MaxAir, Inc.

Matt Stroer
McKenney’s, Inc.