Georgia-SMACNA News

Congratulations SMACNA 2020 Safety Excellence Award Winner
Georgia-SMACNA would like to congratulate Steve Cutts and Daniel Cutts on Don Park (USA), LLC winning the SMACNA 2020 Safety Excellence Award for 25,001 – 50,000 man-hours. Each year, SMACNA recognizes members for their outstanding performance in occupational safety...

Georgia-SMACNA and SMART Local 85 Team Up to Donate Aluminum Nose Pieces for Face Masks
Less than a month ago, Local 85 asked GSMACNA members to produce aluminum nose strips that would be used in hand-sewn masks for health care workers and first responders. Before receiving the strips, the mask making volunteers were using pipe-cleaners, paperclips,...

Annual Industry Luncheon
Georgia-SMACNA held its Annual Industry Luncheon Wednesday, November 20th at the Commerce Club. Georgia-SMACNA members & retirees, SMACNA President -Angie Simon, Local Union 85 representatives, member firm employees, and other industry partners were in attendance....

New Multiemployer Pension Reform Proposal
Senate Finance Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate HELP Committee Chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN) released their comprehensive pension reform proposal on November 20. Read More

2020 SMACNA College of Fellows Scholarships Available
With over 20 scholarships available for the 2020-2021 academic school year, this is the perfect opportunity for eligible students to pursue their college education goals without incurring additional student loan debts. Read More
Region 3 Apprenticeship Contest
Georgia-Sheet Metal JATC had three participants in the recent Region 3 Apprenticeship contest held at Local 435 JATC in Jacksonville, FL. Second, Third, and Fourth year apprentices from five different locals in Region 3 competed in the contest. Each contestant did...
2017 SMOHIT Safety Champion – Employee Spotlight
Congratulations to our own Larry Kinnon for being named one of SHEET METAL OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH INSTITUTE TRUST (SMOHIT)'s 2017 Safety Champions! Larry has been with McKenney's for 25 years and is our current Sheet Metal Shop Superintendent. He has always been focused...
2017 JATC Apprentice Graduation
2017 Apprentice of the Year - Hunter Wall Perfect Attendance Award - Carl Wansley Guest Speaker - Dewey McClain, Georgia State Representative for House District 100 2016 Graduates Charles Agan, Matthew Johnson, and Tyrone Jones 2017 Graduates Shane Akers, Danny...
Meeting with GA-6th District Candidate Karen Handel
Georgia-SMACNA EVP, Ginger Slaick, along with Gary Fowler, MCA of Georgia, Lee Lemeke, SCC, and Ken Harbour, Cleveland Electrical & Mechanical Company, met with GA-6th District Candidate Karen Handel on Tuesday, May 16th.
January 20th Membership Meeting – Sponsored by Milwaukee Tools
Georgia SMACNA would like to thank our lunch sponsor, Milwaukee Tools, and their representatives John Hodgsdon, Nick Biondo, and Matt Shultz for their presentation at our Membership meeting on January 20, 2017 at The Capital Grille, Atlanta, GA. If any members would...