by Georgia-SMACNA | Aug 10, 2020 | General
Georgia-SMACNA would like to congratulate Steve Cutts and Daniel Cutts on Don Park (USA), LLC winning the SMACNA 2020 Safety Excellence Award for 25,001 – 50,000 man-hours.
Each year, SMACNA recognizes members for their outstanding performance in occupational safety and health through SMACNA’s Safety Excellence Awards Program (SSEAP).
With an overall lower average experience modification rate (EMR) from last year and average OSHA incidence rate below industry statistics, the 2020 safety survey results show that safety and health continue to be a high priority for SMACNA contractors.
SMACNA is proud to acknowledge the 2020 SSEAP winners and to salute the top chapters with the highest level of survey participants. For the SSEAP, member winners are determined by man-hour categories and OSHA incidence rates. SMACNA wishes to thank each member who participated in the program and encourages all members to continue striving toward the goal of improved safety excellence.
by Georgia-SMACNA | May 7, 2020 | News
Less than a month ago, Local 85 asked GSMACNA members to produce aluminum nose strips that would be used in hand-sewn masks for health care workers and first responders. Before receiving the strips, the mask making volunteers were using pipe-cleaners, paperclips, disposable baking pans, etc. as the form fitting nose piece.
Since then, we have received over 600 requests from various sewing groups and individuals totaling over 125,000 pieces requested. Thanks to GSMACNA members’ generous donations, we have mailed or delivered 475 packages accounting for almost 100,000 strips. EVP Slaick and Local Union 85 Business Agent James Jackson, delivered the first 5,000 strips to Nikki Carla Griffin with SMAH on Friday, April 17th. SMAH Atlanta is just one of the many groups requesting the strips. They have thousands of individuals sewing mask coverings for local hospitals including CHOA, Grady, Northside, Piedmont, and Wellstar.
SMART Local 85 members cutting the nose strips.
Thank yous received from health care workers, police officers, and the mask making volunteers!
by Georgia-SMACNA | Dec 13, 2019 | News
Georgia-SMACNA held its Annual Industry Luncheon Wednesday, November 20th at the Commerce Club. Georgia-SMACNA members & retirees, SMACNA President -Angie Simon, Local Union 85 representatives, member firm employees, and other industry partners were in attendance. Angie Simon, President SMACNA National was the guest speaker. She spoke about change and the importance of embracing change within your company and the industry.
Georgia-SMACNA Immediate Past President, Matt Terek reflected on 2019 and highlighted some of the exciting initiatives Georgia-SMACNA is pursuing. Jon Sterling, Georgia-SMACNA President provide the attendees with a look to the future as 2020 quickly approaches.
by Georgia-SMACNA | Dec 13, 2019 | News
Senate Finance Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate HELP Committee Chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN) released their comprehensive pension reform proposal on November 20.
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by Georgia-SMACNA | Dec 13, 2019 | News
With over 20 scholarships available for the 2020-2021 academic school year, this is the perfect opportunity for eligible students to pursue their college education goals without incurring additional student loan debts.
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